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Le virus Turc (soumis par Averell le 18/7/04)
Ce log est la conversation que j'ai eue avec l'auteur d'un site web pornographique comportant un piège: le piège consiste à ce que, lorsque l'utilisateur clique sur une image pour voir le film correspondant, il télécharge un exécutable binaire. IL n'y a malheureusement rien de comique dans l'affaire, ce log se voulant plus instructif qu'autrechose sur la santé mentale de ce genre d'individu.

0001: [21:36] <mIRCCoder> tell me.
0002: [21:36] <mIRCCoder> whats ur problem and who r u
0003: [21:36] <Averell> are ****?
0004: [21:36] <Averell> U
0005: [21:36] <mIRCCoder> yes
0006: [21:36] <mIRCCoder> i m *** *****
0007: [21:37] <Averell> ok. are you the author of sexflash.da*** ?
0008: [21:37] <mIRCCoder> I m author all bots
0009: [21:37] <mIRCCoder> yes
0010: [21:37] <mIRCCoder> i m author it
0011: [21:37] <Averell> advertising bots?
0012: [21:37] <mIRCCoder> YEs
0013: [21:37] <mIRCCoder> Spammers, Adv. , DDos bots
0014: [21:37] <mIRCCoder> and more.
0015: [21:38] <mIRCCoder> u said stop bots .
0016: [21:38] <mIRCCoder> who r u ?
0017: [21:38] <Averell> I ama regular user of #france, regularly annoyed by your bots
0018: [21:39] <Averell> as I saw a lot of people advertising for this website, and as this website proposes to download an exe file, I was pretty sure it was something unclear
0019: [21:39] <mIRCCoder> Only your problem France channel ?
0020: [21:40] <mIRCCoder> u r annoyed for #france
0021: [21:40] <mIRCCoder> its right ?
0022: [21:40] <Averell> Yep!
0023: [21:40] <Averell> [21:39] : <idrak-31146!~nqxghiv@> --->>| You Need a Lolita Movies? Only Click Here =>  Http://Sexflash.da... |<<---
0024: [21:41] <mIRCCoder> -)
0025: [21:41] <mIRCCoder> its my magic
0026: [21:41] <mIRCCoder> eheh
0027: [21:41] <mIRCCoder> i love myself
0028: [21:41] <mIRCCoder> now.
0029: [21:41] <mIRCCoder> u r annoyed for #france
0030: [21:41] <mIRCCoder> its rite ??
0031: [21:41] <Averell> ok. what is this exe file?
0032: [21:41] <mIRCCoder> why ?
0033: [21:41] <Averell> please answer the question. What is movie.exe ?
0034: [21:42] <mIRCCoder> Its my trojan bots
0035: [21:42] <Averell> are you kidding?
0036: [21:44] <mIRCCoder> Averell..
0037: [21:44] <mIRCCoder> dont play with me.
0038: [21:44] <mIRCCoder> i m not a child.
0039: [21:45] <mIRCCoder> but i will remove bots
0040: [21:45] <mIRCCoder> not for u.
0041: [21:45] <mIRCCoder> i will create new bots
0042: [21:45] <mIRCCoder> -)
0043: [21:45] <mIRCCoder> c u l8r
0044: [21:45] <mIRCCoder> bye
0045: [21:45] <Averell> ok
0046: [21:45] No such nick
0047: End of mIRCCoder buffer Sat Jul 17 21:45:57 2004

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